RHN Consultancy

Operator Support Packages

RHN Consultancy Ltd offer a range of Operator support packages which have often been used and instrumental in achieving a favourable position of compliance intention at Public Inquiries throughout the UK for the benefit of the Operator.

Initially designed for use with Restricted Licence Holders where a qualified Transport Manager is not required, but the compliance requirements are the same as a Standard Licence Holder who does require a qualified Transport Manager, hence the exposure for compliance matters falls upon the Director(s) of the licence holding Company or the sole trader / partnership licence holder.

Our Support packages are designed specifically to the needs of the Operator, and may include varying levels of software provision, compliance systems & procedures, policies, training (for drivers, managers and duty delegated stakeholders alike)

All aspects of Operator Licence compliance are encompassed, including Operator Licensing (VOL) OCRS, Maintenance activities & records, Drivers Hours & WTD, Training records, Driver Defect systems, VOR, Operating Centre’s, Safety Recall Registers, Inductions & Training, Licence checks & DCPC with full documented visit reports and action plans provided for every interaction between RHN Consultancy Ltd and the Operator.

Furthermore, the support packages can be tailored further to include Health & Safety Management / practices, and elements of traffic planning.

Please contact us for further details and to discuss the benefits to your Operation.